Swing Bed Program

Doctors & Care Providers
Dr. Ben Kazim, Hospitalist
Dr. Jessica Mastrapa, Hospitalist
What is the Swing Bed program?
After an illness, injury, or surgery, a patient may need additional skilled care before returning home from the hospital.
Your doctor may recommend a Medicare-approved program referred to as Swing Bed, which allows physicians to “swing” the level of care from acute to skilled rehabilitation. It provides the nursing care and rehabilitation services necessary to continue your recovery. The Swing Bed Program is available at McKenzie Health and other rural hospitals throughout the United States. Medicare patients have the option to remain in or be transferred to their hometown hospital for rehabilitation.
Swing Bed patients receive the same quality of care as inpatients to include their own private room. Primary differences are that Swing Bed patients no longer have acute-level medical needs, do not require constant nursing supervision, and no longer need to see their doctors on a daily basis.
Watford City, ND, Swing bed program Services:
McKenzie Health combines nursing care with physical therapy, occupational therapy, and an activity program customized just for you. We help you improve your mobility, become more independent, and return to your own daily routine as quickly as possible. McKenzie Health’s rehabilitation services may be just what you need to restore your abilities and get you home soon.
Patients can be cared for moving from one level of care to another. Additionally, patients can be transferred from other facilities to McKenzie Health for Swing Bed which involves a referral process and review by the Case Management Team.
All McKenzie Health patient rooms are private with their own bathroom and walk-in shower.
We Can Help With
Patients receive care that fosters independence, including:
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Respiratory Therapy
- Activities Therapy
- Nutritional Assessment & Counseling
- Medical Evaluation & Monitoring
- Dental Consultation
- Social Work Services, including Discharge Planning & Follow-Up Care
Your Care Team, FULL-SERVICE
McKenzie Health aims to offer our region full-service care options in Watford City, ND. However, the person who must work the hardest to obtain the optimal result is YOU, the patient.
Listed below are the members of the McKenzie Health Swing Bed Team, who will work together to help you return to an active, independent, and rewarding lifestyle.
- You!
- Your Caregivers/Family
- Case Manager
- Social Worker
- Physicians
- Nurses
- Physical Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
Make a Swing Bed Referral
Placement, availability, and needed services questions can be handled by calling
Cheryl Faulkner, Director of Nursing
Ashlee Schaff, Assistant Director of Nursing
Pete Edis, CEO
Common Questions about Swing Bed Care
What's the #1 thing for patient success?
Our patients recover faster when they participate in care every day, make themselves comfortable in the process of healing, and communicate their needs with our team.
What are the visiting hours?
We work hard to make visiting hours open and respect the patient’s decision to have visitors during their healing process. While they are flexible, they are not unlimited in order to provide necessary care.
Are Swing Bed Care rooms private or shared?
All McKenzie Health patient rooms are private with their own bathroom and walk-in shower.
How is the Swing Bed Program paid for?
The Swing Bed Program can be paid for in a number of ways –commercial insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Workers’ Compensation, or Self-Pay. Some nursing home insurance policies pay for Swing Bed Program. Cheryl Faulkner or Ashlee Schaff can answer any questions you may have.
How can someone be admitted to Swing Bed Program?
A referral is needed. Please have your doctor reach out to our team at McKenzie Health.
What do you offer for chapel and activities?
Patients work with McKenzie Health’s Rehabilitation Department to set goals for their care. With the encouragement and help from physical and occupational therapists, they improve mobility and activities of daily living. Below is a list of available activities per individual preference:
Personal grooming
Clergy available for visiting upon request
Games and puzzles
Watching TV and movies
Talking and conversation
Visits from family and friends – flexible visiting hours
SWING BED PROGRAM Services are available at
709 4th Ave NE
Watford City, ND 58854
(701) 842-3000
Fax: (701) 842-6248
Entrance: Use main entrance during regular hours. Visitation after regular hours, plesae use Emergency Entrance.
Parking: In marked MCHS lots directly across from the entrance.