Obstetrics and Gynecology at McKenzie Health

Doctors & Care Providers
Dr. Carol Uhlman, OBGYN
Dr. Andrea DiMichele, OBGYN
Dr. Teinesha Irvey, OBGYN
Dr. Jenna Sloan, OBGYN
Dr. Fatu Forna, OBGYN
Dr. Sarah Israelson, Family Medicine
Ellen Augustine, OB DIRECTOR
We Can Help With
- Women’s Health
- Labor and Delivery
- Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery
- Colposcopy
- Cyst Removal
- Hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
- Treatment of Endometriosis
Common Questions about OBGYN
Will there be a pediatrician or newborn specialist on hand during births in case the baby needs assistance?
Babies will be cared for by nurses specially trained in newborn resuscitation. We will also have a pediatrician available and in attendance when needed.
What will happen if a baby needs to go to a NICU unexpectedly?
Our staff are trained to stabilize babies and transfer to a higher level of care when babies’ condition necessitates.
What services will be available here and how long would it take to get that baby to a NICU?
We will have air and ground transport available (weather dependent) which will determine how long it will take to transport baby.
Can I have a tour of your OB Unit?
Yes! Call to set up a tour of the OB Unit: 701-444-8696.
Do you have a jacuzzi tub for those seeking relaxation during labor?
Do patients in the OB unit have access to remote monitoring?
Yes-the baby’s well-being can be monitored while mom is up and moving.
When a baby is born at our hospital, we help parents to enroll their child in the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
The child will receive a free book in the mail every month until age 5. Get More Information
Call anytime, day or night for immediate non-emergency assistance
OBGYN is Available at the following locations:
McKenzie Health Center
301 12th St SE
Watford City, ND 58854
(701) 444-2235
Entrance: Use front entrance
Parking: In marked McKenzie Health Center lot directly across from the entrance.
709 4th Ave NE
Watford City, ND 58854
(701) 842-3000
Fax: (701) 842-6248
Entrance: Use the main entrance under the canopy
Parking: In marked McKenzie Health lots directly across from the entrance.